
CIRCADIAN, the leader in FRMS design and implementation consulting, now offers the only complete suite of web-based software tools for Fatigue Risk Management Systems. The software has been tailored to meet the needs of different industry employee groups, including:

  • Aircrew (e.g. pilots and flight attendants)
  • Drivers (e.g. truck and bus drivers)
  • Shift workers (e.g. employees at 24-hour worksites)

Why You Need Comprehensive Fatigue Risk Management Software Solution

Every FRMS rule or standard requires that you evaluate fatigue risk and take active steps to:

  • Track Fatigue
  • Manage it, and
  • Reduce incidents and errors caused by employee fatigue.

Fatigue Risk Management Software

CIRCADIAN AUSTRALIA, the leader in FRMS design and implementation consulting, now offers the only complete suite of web-based software tools for Fatigue Risk Management Systems. The software has been tailored to meet the needs of a variety of different industry employee groups.

Schedule Risk Analyser

Duty schedules must both comply with rules and regulations, as well as minimise the risk of employee fatigue. Compliance alone is not enough to ensure safety. CIRCADIAN AUSTRALIA’s new web-based software tool is the first to provide a complete schedule assessment, allowing managers to see not only who could work – but who should work.

Accident/Incident Analysis with FACTS™

Because there is no biochemical test for fatigue, fatigue tends to be under-reported and overlooked in incident investigations and its true costs–in dollars and lives–are often unknown or ignored.

Fatigue Accident/Incident Causation Testing System (FACTS™) is an expert web-based system which calculates the probability of whether a person was impaired by fatigue at the time of an accident or incident.

Fatigue Training Online

Don’t underestimate your need for Fatigue Training Online. Every year, the effects of fatigue cost billions of dollars in increased incidents and accidents, health care costs, employee turnover, absenteeism, and lost productivity.

The most effective answer to protecting your operation’s bottom line against the cost of worker fatigue is through Fatigue Training Online.